Is anyone surprised?

The Fed is expected to announce QE3 sometime today- which would be a continuation of the Keynesian interventionism that has so far helped our economy get back on track in great form.  Stellar form!  I just can’t think why it didn’t come sooner?  If some printed money is good, wouldn’t MORE printed money be GOODER?  […]

Example of Economic Recovery

How does a country whose economy was devastated by the 2008-09 financial crisis now find itself with more vacant jobs than workers to fill them? How does a county whose total economy shrank by 18% rebound and have a national budget surplus? By the way, an 18% contraction is larger than what Greece has seen […]

Wisconsin Was Serious…

In 2010 when Wisconsin voters said they wanted to have someone as the state’s chief executive that would make tough fiscal decisions to get their financial house in order they were SERIOUS! They showed tonight that they support the person they elected in 2010. What this means is that the teacher’s union lobbyist just cost […]

Not out of the woods…

We’re still running deeper in, actually.   We’re in a deep dark fiscal forest with lots of scary trees and weird animal sounds.  We have two choices.  We can either turn around and walk back out (I prefer running) or we can use this handy little cannon we brought with us- known as “government stimulus”- and […]

Children’s Chores Break Labor Laws

One has to wonder what this is all about? The US Department of Labor is poised to put the final touches on a rule that would apply child labor laws to a family run farm.

CAN I Be your BUD?: Decriminalization examined

    Alright here’s your meat, then you get your pudding.   After watching someone dance to Trash80’s ‘At teh disko’ one of two things can come to a person’s mind. The first is, “I don’t get it. It’s just a chick dancing in her dorm room.” The other is “Hey that beat isn’t too […]

My son will be older than I am now when…

Last week the House of Representatives voted 228-191 and approved the Paul Ryan budget plan. The Ryan budget plan, also known as “The Path to Prosperity” does not project to balance the budget until the year 2040. Even that is a stretch using funny math. In fact, “The Path to Prosperity” still sees massive deficit […]

The Question Behind the Question

The moderator essentially asked, “You want to cut defense spending and there are 6 military institutions in South Carolina. Shouldn’t people in SC be worried about their jobs?” Paul correctly differentiated between militarism spending and defense and accurately mentioned bring the troops home would leave bases open here instead of opening them overseas. This would […]