They’re All Right!

I just don’t get it:

  • When Romney and Paul call Santorum a big government Republican who has funded planned parenthood, who has voted 5 times to increase the debt ceiling, or how he voted to increas taxes…THEY ARE RIGHT!
  • When Santorum and Gingrich call Romney a Mass liberal who designed a blueprint for Obamacare, Paul points out that he has supported TARP bailouts and he’s a candidate who has flip flopped on every conceivable position…THEY ARE RIGHT!
  • When Paul points out Gingrich’s increasing the debt, or Romney points out Gingrich’s ties to Freddie and Fannie, Santorum points out Gingrich’s history of supporting the individual mandate in Health Insurance, or his support for Cap and Trade they are right…THEY ARE RIGHT!
  • When the candidates point to Paul and say that he…wait they don’t do that because…HE IS RIGHT!

Paul isn’t trying to cast himself in a new light. The positions he holds today are the same he has had for 30 years. He has consistently voted to his convictions and not “taken one for the team.”  He doesn’t try to hide his record under a pile of rhetoric.

So long story short, all the candidates are right. They aren’t lying…but you have to ask yourself why the hush on Paul’s history? - Buy Gold & Silver

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